The Vaccine Mandate Goes Down In Flames, Hallelujah | Ep. 873
The Vaccine Mandate Goes Down In Flames, Hallelujah | Ep. 873

Today on the Matt Walsh Show, the Daily Wire achieves a resounding victory at the Supreme Court, as Biden’s illegal and insane vaccine mandate is blocked and effectively killed.

Also, in more good news, college enrollment rates continue to decline across the country.

And the top prosecutor in Baltimore is facing a slew of felony charges related to fraud and perjury.

Meanwhile, a convicted arson that she set free from prison is speaking out to the media.

He is opposed to his own release, yet he was released anyway.

Plus, a study claims to find that people are more attractive when they cover their faces with masks.

And in our daily cancellation, the Left is upset about my anti-universal voting rights stance.

For a change of pace, they’re calling me racist.